That sucks! They were doing the right thing. What is a illegal are the employers and sports teams and schools mandating this dangerous experimental gene therapy. The vaccination card should be illegal in itself.  The governments lies are illegal. FALSE STATEMENTS ABOUT MEDICAL PRODUCTS!
“ … if parents requested … “. He performed a genuine public service. If they post a request for donations to a defense fund, I hope those parents step up. I know I will.
Might be like helping the truckers in Canada...and risk getting your account frozen? 🤔 Governments are evil run by tyrants like Trudeau and Fauci literally calling the "shots"
Punishing them for saving children from; myocarditis, blood clots, vaccine acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and the evils of; WEF, FAUCI, GATES, KLAUS SLOB, PFIZER, BOURLA, CDC, NIH, FBI, WHO, UN, JOHNS HOPKINS, et al.. Makes sense to me. 🙈🙉🙊🙄
That guy is my hero. If I could have found someone to do that here, I certainly would have! Wondering who ratted him out? Someone must have or they wouldn't have had an FBI investigator checking it out, would they?
Good for them. I got a fake vaccine card to get into the hospital to see my dying mother: This was months after we knew that the “vaccines” did not stop infection or transmission! What a circus this has been. So many have needlessly suffered!
Heroes! "they were charged with defrauding the United States government" what a joke. While the government itself is guilty of fraud, they accuse others who are trying to save people from death and injury.
This was a heroic act for which I applaud them, but I do worry about the poison being dumped down the drain and potentially polluting the water supply, soil, and wildlife (
That sucks! They were doing the right thing. What is a illegal are the employers and sports teams and schools mandating this dangerous experimental gene therapy. The vaccination card should be illegal in itself.  The governments lies are illegal. FALSE STATEMENTS ABOUT MEDICAL PRODUCTS!
“ … if parents requested … “. He performed a genuine public service. If they post a request for donations to a defense fund, I hope those parents step up. I know I will.
Might be like helping the truckers in Canada...and risk getting your account frozen? 🤔 Governments are evil run by tyrants like Trudeau and Fauci literally calling the "shots"
Punishing them for saving children from; myocarditis, blood clots, vaccine acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and the evils of; WEF, FAUCI, GATES, KLAUS SLOB, PFIZER, BOURLA, CDC, NIH, FBI, WHO, UN, JOHNS HOPKINS, et al.. Makes sense to me. 🙈🙉🙊🙄
That guy is my hero. If I could have found someone to do that here, I certainly would have! Wondering who ratted him out? Someone must have or they wouldn't have had an FBI investigator checking it out, would they?
Hero against a corrupt system
Good for them. I got a fake vaccine card to get into the hospital to see my dying mother: This was months after we knew that the “vaccines” did not stop infection or transmission! What a circus this has been. So many have needlessly suffered!
Heroes who deserve support.
The medical Mafia of Mengeles deserve Gitmo.
Heaven forbid people's lives - especially the kids - were saved!
I hope he gets a trial with peers who understand
He’s a hero
How do I report this substack for being full of bull$hit? It is just like the junk you tweet.
Heroes! "they were charged with defrauding the United States government" what a joke. While the government itself is guilty of fraud, they accuse others who are trying to save people from death and injury.
They saved the lives of those children and for that they will be punished. What a world.
No good deed goes unpunished.